“You enter a room with one of Michael’s photographs on the wall and your energy is immediately changed for the better. You are enveloped and immersed in his macro landscapes in a way that leaves you feeling somehow lighter, more hopeful, calm. His photographs are lustrous and intoxicating with their vivid colors. These images actually breathe life into a room. My recommendation is to not limit yourself to one print. The conversation between images magnifies the energy that you’ll find in one. Invest in this art and you will be infinitely grateful.”

—Marcy James, Paper & Ink Studio

“The wonderful thing about Michael’s photographs is that everything seems to show up as new. You see things that make you stop for a moment and reflect on what you see. His approach to his art depends on the subject matter. When it comes to nature and flowers, his emotion and connection with the subject are the narrative for his artistic expression and vision, which dominate over realism. It is a representation of what he feels, his inner connection with the subject.

He is showing us images with a quintessential beauty and impact that force the viewer to engage in an imaginary dialogue with the subject, one that is Michael’s foundation of his work. To fully appreciate art of this caliber, one must take time, linger and let the message inhabit the soul.”

—Jean-Marie Cote, Thefrenchguy Studio